Whitewash Sand Dunes
Whitewash Sand Dunes is a 1400 acre state park one exit west of Moab on I-70 in Utah. The main riding areas are the wash itself and the sand dunes that have formed up against the beautiful red slick rock. The main wash is a good ride, start from as far south as the fence allows and follow it for several miles of sandy, crushed rock river bottom up into some epic rock crawling and cave camping. Duneing isn't really a thing here but there are tons of fun lines if you get creative and want to have a good time! Camping is free but primitive and rough...not a chance I would take a camper down the 7 mile park entrance road, use extreme caution if you do. A fun option is park your truck at the staging lot to the south of I-70, pack your day of food and water, and have a picnic up in the caves above the washes! 1-2 days worth of riding fun, any longer would be stretching it for me!